WhatsApp has made it possible for the first time for users to share documents as part of a new update for iOS and Android.
On Android, users who tap the paper-clip icon for attachments will see a “Document” button, while on iOS, users who tap the upload icon will see the option to “Share Document.”
For now the feature appears to be limited to PDF files but it does pull files from third-party cloud storage apps enabled on the phone, including iCloud Drive, Dropbox and Quip.
This is an important upgrade for small businesses who use WhatsApp to communicate with one another, or with customers – for example making it easier to share invoices and price lists or product information that’s stored on a cloud service like Dropbox.
In January WhatsApp announced it was going to start testing tools that would allow businesses and organizations to chat with users on its network.
It gave examples of asking an airline about a delayed flight or voicing concerns to your bank about potentially fraudulent activity — essentially customer service tools.Document sharing could prove to be a useful feature for some of the first businesses that get deeper access to WhatsApp’s API to communicate with their customers on the network.